Monday, December 6, 2010

Congratulation Baby Sentence

mashed face

La semana pasada se presentó en Valencia el primer audífono específico para bebés con sordera. Hasta el momento, existían audífonos que podían use babies with hearing loss, but they were the same as those used in children or adults.
  • New Baby
  • 440
  • Widex hearing aid has an ergonomic design specially adapted to the size and characteristics of a baby's ear is small, lightweight and soft, and allows access to the entire speech spectrum . The Widex.Pro manufacturer sells it in three colors: blue, pink and white. In the words of the organizers of the event of Otolaryngology which has introduced the first headset specifically for babies, "hear every sound, every word, every syllable is essential for a fuller development of language, therefore, the Widex hearing aid technology incorporates Baby 440 "most advanced" in terms of acoustic signal processing, achieving a sound "more natural" through the headset.
  • Several studies have shown that early detection (about four months) and early treatment of deafness are essential for the acquisition of oral language in young hearing loss, regardless of the extent of these. Meanwhile, a group of infants with hearing loss diagnosed earlier and earlier, creating the first specific instrument for babies is an essential element for progress in the early treatment of deafness.
    More info setting the maximum number of connections in the brain, surrounding the child of a nurturing environment and provide a suitable model to imitate. These words are from Dr Francisco Kovacs, an expert in terms of early stimulation in children.

    It's funny how most parents want their children to be creative, have initiative, be sensitive and polite, with values \u200b\u200band know how to implement, they are a responsible adult, balanced with a good life and above all to be happy. The secret is in the early stimulation, take the first years of life of our children when their brain structures are more flexible, as it simply by giving him a hug and kiss, when we talk and ask things, allow you to play and get dirty, we teach books and drawings, as seen on TV educational programs ... With all these things we do every day I encourage you, when we teach new things and learn them with ease, we are laying a foundation for achieving all that we want from it.

    for early stimulation, do not force ever to learn, for the periods of neurological maturity of the child, the brain connections become permanent through repetition and last a lifetime. Proper early stimulation has to occur on different areas of development, sensory psychomotor, language, cognitive, emotional and social. We must promote artistic sensibility and the sport and do not forget to encourage the development of habits of conduct and values. Tips

    giving Dr Kovacs on the early stimulation to carry out are to incorporate a second language after two years when the mother is established, any sport is better than none, taking into account the possibilities of the environment and preferences foster family to do sports as diverse as possible so that the adult knows to choose the one you like, is more encouraging sports that can help in certain environments such as Swimming develops balance and coordination, judo and tennis serves to encourage perseverance and discipline.
    What is clear is that early stimulation is a success you must always do so in a playful way because otherwise no child will want to repeat the same the next day, the activities must be extremely short for are exhausted before the child is bored so that the next day you want to do more, the early stimulation should cover all the senses, visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, all serve to experiment.


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