Some issues to take into account the new parents
, when bottle feeding. Prepare the bottle is easy, but you have to take into account the following aspects also:
1. Prepare the bottle just before feeding time.
2. As there are many brands of baby milk in the market, read carefully the preparation in each case and the steps you should add, because they can switch from one brand to another. 
3. There is desirable to keep the milk from one shot to another, because there is a risk of bacterial contamination. 4. Should not be too rigid with the schedule of shots, like when you give milk. When the baby hungry you do know. Yes it is true that you should eat every 3-4 hours, at first, then go tap spacing. 5. As for the nipples, there are different types on the market, find the one that best suits your child. 6. And above all be patient, the rush is never good. Take time to prepare the bottle right way and to give to your child, in a calm and relaxed. The baby should be something built, never lying, because it can choke. The baby is the one who sets the pace, do not force it and try not to swallow air through the nipple. ensuring that it is always full. Via: Baby and pregnancy
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