Monday, December 6, 2010

Monica Roccaforte Groß

My baby has a hernia

are more common in women than in men because their urethra is shorter, making it more likely the transfer of bacteria from the rectum. Furthermore, in pregnancy by the action of hormones and growth of the uterus, urine takes longer to be eliminated, which gives more time for bacteria to multiply.
- Urinary tract infections are not treated can cause serious kidney infections, premature birth ... It is therefore essential to detect with urinalysis in pregnancy controls.
Depending on the degree of involvement may include:

asymptomatic bacteriuria: They are bacteria, but the pregnant woman has no symptoms. Treated with antibiotics.
Cystitis: Characterized by an almost constant need to urinate, itching, mild pain in the pubic area and chills. Treatment is with antibiotics.

Clean the area from front to back.
Avoid harsh soaps that may irritate the urethra. In pregnancy, are not indicated douche. not withstand the urge to urinate and empty the bladder. Always dry the area very well.
Wear cotton underwear to allow the proper transfer. Avoid tight-fitting underwear and protectors, which can cause moisture. Studies have shown that cranberry juice prevents these infections, but not useful if it already exists.

Via: Baby and pregnancy


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