Baby TV is handled quite some time as the No. 1 firm worldwide on levels indicated for infants and children under 4 years of age. Offers a program designed exclusively for the little ones get entertain from an early age, to join them in their personal discovery within their surroundings.
The channel is thought then to be a family activity to enjoy, as Baby TV encourages parents and children watch the programs together, enjoying the colorful cartoon characters, sounds and music that present children shapes and objects indicating they are different concepts for assimilation, such as volume, colors, slow or quick, quiet and fun, including engaging in a concept of images and audible stimuli to help baby to their development earlier. Baby TV
chose to join Pro Enter for implementing this proposal educational programming to countries in Latin America, more specifically for the development of licenses in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, as the firm is the leader in sports marketing and entertainment in everything regarding the licensing and events. Now the company acquired the rights mark to market children's content.
Baby TV was created in 2003 and eventually became more and more parents who choose to apply it to the attention and their young children through television platform in the world, a signal is available 24 hours day and free of advertising content.
the channel just to get intends to capture the attention of babies and children at any time of day as during the days shorter intervals broadcasts programs in which music videos are shown, and the programming is inviting proposals interaction and play between parents and children. The Baby night TV is designed to help calm at the time of day you should be resting, so it offers soft music and a relaxed atmosphere coupled with slow images which lead the child to calm down and get to capture the dream. Via
The research was conducted based on a total of 8,550 children born in 2001, among whom were young healthy respected three basic routines, and others who had not been educated under those parameters. The three routines
healthy homely mentioned by the authors of the study are: family dinner more than five times a week, sleeping at least ten hours every night and watch television less than two hours a day.
The study results showed that in the case of children who respect these habits only 14.3% were likely to be obese, while 24.5% of youngsters who were not such good manners were overweight.

Throughout the various studies on childhood obesity in endless opportunities specialists analyzed and concluded that too much television, lack of sleep and the low frequency of family meals, have a strong influence in the development of overweight in infants.
without clutch, this is the first study that evaluated these three factors, allowing more data points to make regarding the incidence of bad habits on the risk of obesity.
Moreover, the research envisioned that the implementation of the three good practice mentioned above decrease the risk of overweight, even in cases such as family history of obesity, low education level, household poverty, and so on, so far were considered determinants of this disease in children.
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