While in Ecuador, the Manta base, which itself was completely gringo-not represent any risk or threat to the stability of any country in the region. At most, the bombing del número dos de las Farc le sirvió de pretexto a Rafael Correa para acusar a los gringos de una supuesta participación en esos hechos, usando aviones basados en Manta. Esto, luego de que Fidel Castro opinara que las bombas inteligentes que se emplearon, eran de uso privativo de los norteamericanos
Por supuesto que eso no deja de ser mera especulación. Los aviones Tucano y Súper Tucano, de fabricación brasileña, han demostrado plena efectividad y precisión en otras operaciones, como la que dio cuenta del ‘Negro Acacio’ en las selvas del Vichada –en septiembre de 2007–, y a Ecuador le consta que en Manta sólo había aviones de inteligencia y rastreo electrónico tipo AWAC, no bombarderos, nor are there in Colombia
Chancellor Bermúdez does well to remind Hugo Chavez that the Colombian government did not interfere in naval exercises with the Russian fleet last November, which were not a Boy Scout meeting. For this display the flag of the Caribbean, the Russians sent their most precious jewel, the nuclear battleship "Peter the Great ', equipped with supersonic missile can carry conventional or nuclear charge, as well as the ship' Admiral Chabanenko ', specializing in
hunting submarines
This show of force was preceded in June by launching an exercise missile at the base of La Orchila-one from a Sukhoi and another from a frigate, and in September, by the presence in Venezuela of two TU-160 strategic bombers, capable of carrying twelve cruise missiles with nuclear or conventional warheads and 40 tons of bombs. At that time, Chavez said the visit of two Russian bombers was a "gesture of brotherhood and support" that should give "more security" Venezuela.
But that's not all, Chavez signed an agreement that Russian warplanes refueled in your territory, and provided the basis for Cuba and Venezuela to station strategic bombers Russians to permanently operating in the region
time ago, the Colombian government was respectful when Chavez decided to start an arms race that broke the regional balance and led to constant intimidation of Colombia, threatening to send repeated Sukhoi its deadly if we do what he says. In contrast, Chavez was opposed to Spain, we sold 40 AMX-30 tanks Second hand, of which Venezuela has more than 100 to play a strategic role in border of Paraguachón.
A statement made by the Colombian foreign minister, Chavez contends that Russia is an enemy of Colombia but the United States it is for Venezuela. There are three basic reasons to show that the satrap neighbor is wrong: 1) Unlike Bush, Obama will not encourage invasions, provocation or pre-emptive strikes, but that does not mean he will not get what they deserve from whom you seek, 2) EE. UU. and Venezuela have excellent business relationships beyond the bluster of Chavez, as "the empire" is the natural fate of almost all its oil, and 3) if the Americans wanted to invade Venezuela does not need to launch attacks from Colombia, it would be sufficient to deploy a small part of its naval power.
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