Monday, July 6, 2009

Herpes Outbreak Worse Over Time

Completing the fifteenth century, the Catholic Monarchs established in Spain Protomedicato, high court physician whose major assignment was to monitor the practice of medicine, and their diversion through unorthodox ways.
Consequently, one of the key objectives of the tribunal chief physician was to eradicate all kinds of healers, incantations, spells and witchcraft, of course, would seriously undermine the health of the population.
The court was composed of chief physician and mayors called reviewers who had authority to review and approve or reject licenses for "physical, surgeons, bone-setters, druggists, grocers and health food stores. "
They were also given authority to intervene and rule on civil and criminal lawsuits in which they were involved all the people who carry out activities related to medicine. From 1523
these health-related trades were restricted and the court merely chief physician to review and approve or reject physicists, surgeons, apothecaries and barbers. The court then also began to exercise oversight on universities such as Salamanca and Valladolid, as I knew they were issuing licenses too liberally. 3301940916609711


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