Monday, December 20, 2010

Pirates Of Ther Caribbean Guitartabs


As for medical care and services to its inhabitants, the capital of the New Kingdom of Granada was always a dramatic late compared with the two great capitals of the English empire in the Indies, ie, Mexico and Lima.

These cities had enough doctors, best hospitals, chairs of medicine as advanced as possible at the time and courts of Harley Street who had nothing to envy the English.

Meanwhile, the isolated Santafé deficiencies in this respect were extremely acute and a constant throughout the colonial period. This contrast is explicable if one considers that the few doctors who ventured to go back to Santa Fe and usually end up regretting moving to more rich and prosperous kingdoms or your own country.

The main determinant of this phenomenon was the size of the white population and a very low level of income to meet medical stipends.

generally more tended to remain were those who came in delegations lofty character as was the case of Don Jose Celestino Mutis, who came to Santa Fe as the personal physician of Viceroy Pedro de la Cerda Messia.

Inadequate medical graduates or medical professors, as they were called, allowed people from all walks of Santa Fe Area, in sickness and times of calamity, were under the practical medical care and traditional healers.

It was a group consisting of empirical, self-taught and learned, if not were people of similar profession (surgeons, barbers, and pharmacists), who after accreditation in their specialty, were improvised as doctors, prescribe to many patients and friends.

This set of anonymous and often embarrassing, would fill most of the medical history of Santa Fe. 3301940916609711

Monday, December 6, 2010

Signs Scorpio Man Likes U

in infancy

Some issues to take into account the new parents 2. As there are many brands of baby milk in the market, read carefully the preparation in each case and the steps you should add, because they can switch from one brand to another.
3. There is desirable to keep the milk from one shot to another, because there is a risk of bacterial contamination. 4. Should not be too rigid with the schedule of shots, like when you give milk. When the baby hungry you do know. Yes it is true that you should eat every 3-4 hours, at first, then go tap spacing. 5. As for the nipples, there are different types on the market, find the one that best suits your child. 6. And above all be patient, the rush is never good. Take time to prepare the bottle right way and to give to your child, in a calm and relaxed. The baby should be something built, never lying, because it can choke. The baby is the one who sets the pace, do not force it and try not to swallow air through the nipple. ensuring that it is always full. Via: Baby and pregnancy

Is Anything On Jibjab Free

first teeth

Feeding your baby from 0 to 3 years is key to proper development and healthy growth. So you have to give a balanced and tailored to their nutritional needs, ensuring proper supply of all nutrients. There is evidence that an excess of protein (meat, fish, eggs) in the first years of life can lead to the development of obesity in the future.

sometimes thought to add more meat or fish to the mash is better, and it is not. Child nutrition experts recommend a maximum contribution of 20-30 g of meat or fish 30-40 g per day in the period between the start of supplementary feeding until the baby turns 1 year old. We recommend adding to your little mashed those quantities of meat or fish, and no more.
Via: Baby and pregnancy

Monica Roccaforte Groß

My baby has a hernia

are more common in women than in men because their urethra is shorter, making it more likely the transfer of bacteria from the rectum. Furthermore, in pregnancy by the action of hormones and growth of the uterus, urine takes longer to be eliminated, which gives more time for bacteria to multiply.
- Urinary tract infections are not treated can cause serious kidney infections, premature birth ... It is therefore essential to detect with urinalysis in pregnancy controls.
Depending on the degree of involvement may include:

asymptomatic bacteriuria: They are bacteria, but the pregnant woman has no symptoms. Treated with antibiotics.
Cystitis: Characterized by an almost constant need to urinate, itching, mild pain in the pubic area and chills. Treatment is with antibiotics.

Clean the area from front to back.
Avoid harsh soaps that may irritate the urethra. In pregnancy, are not indicated douche. not withstand the urge to urinate and empty the bladder. Always dry the area very well.
Wear cotton underwear to allow the proper transfer. Avoid tight-fitting underwear and protectors, which can cause moisture. Studies have shown that cranberry juice prevents these infections, but not useful if it already exists.

Via: Baby and pregnancy

Error Message Carbon Monoxide Detector

How to properly give the bottle?

always read what the guidelines are to convey to children the responsibility, commitment, self-esteem and ultimately, all they need to be victorious, whatever which they lived. In this sense, it is essential to be clear about what we are to acquire, over any other aspiration.
  1. is true that each society is governed by an order of values, however, there is a basic level of order in human relations and the basis of coexistence. If we look is positivism, the ability to achieve peace and through this building every day going our way.
Psychologists and educators agree on a series of recommendations to help set guidelines for instilling these values \u200b\u200bto our children:

not use the blows and the cries
educational model based on your child. Sometimes we only hear negative thoughts crowding into our brains and we are not aware of the violence that transmit our words and inconsistent that involve learning.
  1. preaches
  2. , without the upper hand. Any condition imposed without reflection in everyday life, lose their value.
  3. not be always accommodating. Think about what your child needs to function in life and be aware that he himself did not acquire. Children need training and bounds to become social beings.
  4. Let your children know their own limitations
  5. . Must be able to overcome and achieve individual successes, is the key to control frustration and, therefore, the basis of rationality. Teach

Avoid selfishness. Teach it as giving, you receive. Always physical law, as part of life, and feel free to show it as many times as time allows your lasting coexistence.

shuns individualism. Promotes socialization, encourages peer learning, your child facing the society they will have to unwrap.
  1. Finally, learn to value your children and never underestimate . Patience is the key to success. This is a long-term investment, so you should not let you falter, acogiéndote to an inability of your child, not yours face own. Become his example again.
  2. In short, about being honest with ourselves and decide to transmit no more expectations than the things to make them tools for life.

Molest In Train Japan

much meat should I add to my little

  • The role of primary care pediatrician is very important. A clear what we all know, would add an additional case and that parents may not have imagined that we would have a vital importance in cases of divorce among parents is key to avoid the trauma suffered by children by separating their parents. At least that's the opinion of Ms. Carmen Martínez González, representative of the English Association of Primary Care Pediatrics (AEPap).
  • The suffering of children in cases of separation from their parents, their possible doubts as to whether you want or if you have done something wrong, as well as meet potential new partners to make children suffer. In these cases, the primary care pediatrician may have several roles. You can target parents who are accompanied by the legal process, but not so much about what to do with the child how to behave. And you can be aware of the reactions of children, and provide age-appropriate advice and how is your family. Igualmente, el pediatra puede detectar situaciones que haga que a lo mejor sea necesario orientar a los afectados a otros especialistas, como por ejemplo y si fuera necesario, a los servicios de salud mental (psicólogo).
  • Los niños por la nueva situación podrían tener síntomas no específicos como alteraciones del sueño, de conducta, de rendimiento escolar, de alimentación… ante lo cual sin duda la ayuda de un especialista en todo esto es fundamental. Vía:
  • europapress
  • Congratulation Baby Sentence

    mashed face

    La semana pasada se presentó en Valencia el primer audífono específico para bebés con sordera. Hasta el momento, existían audífonos que podían use babies with hearing loss, but they were the same as those used in children or adults.
  • New Baby
  • 440
  • Widex hearing aid has an ergonomic design specially adapted to the size and characteristics of a baby's ear is small, lightweight and soft, and allows access to the entire speech spectrum . The Widex.Pro manufacturer sells it in three colors: blue, pink and white. In the words of the organizers of the event of Otolaryngology which has introduced the first headset specifically for babies, "hear every sound, every word, every syllable is essential for a fuller development of language, therefore, the Widex hearing aid technology incorporates Baby 440 "most advanced" in terms of acoustic signal processing, achieving a sound "more natural" through the headset.
  • Several studies have shown that early detection (about four months) and early treatment of deafness are essential for the acquisition of oral language in young hearing loss, regardless of the extent of these. Meanwhile, a group of infants with hearing loss diagnosed earlier and earlier, creating the first specific instrument for babies is an essential element for progress in the early treatment of deafness.
    More info setting the maximum number of connections in the brain, surrounding the child of a nurturing environment and provide a suitable model to imitate. These words are from Dr Francisco Kovacs, an expert in terms of early stimulation in children.

    It's funny how most parents want their children to be creative, have initiative, be sensitive and polite, with values \u200b\u200band know how to implement, they are a responsible adult, balanced with a good life and above all to be happy. The secret is in the early stimulation, take the first years of life of our children when their brain structures are more flexible, as it simply by giving him a hug and kiss, when we talk and ask things, allow you to play and get dirty, we teach books and drawings, as seen on TV educational programs ... With all these things we do every day I encourage you, when we teach new things and learn them with ease, we are laying a foundation for achieving all that we want from it.

    for early stimulation, do not force ever to learn, for the periods of neurological maturity of the child, the brain connections become permanent through repetition and last a lifetime. Proper early stimulation has to occur on different areas of development, sensory psychomotor, language, cognitive, emotional and social. We must promote artistic sensibility and the sport and do not forget to encourage the development of habits of conduct and values. Tips

    giving Dr Kovacs on the early stimulation to carry out are to incorporate a second language after two years when the mother is established, any sport is better than none, taking into account the possibilities of the environment and preferences foster family to do sports as diverse as possible so that the adult knows to choose the one you like, is more encouraging sports that can help in certain environments such as Swimming develops balance and coordination, judo and tennis serves to encourage perseverance and discipline.
    What is clear is that early stimulation is a success you must always do so in a playful way because otherwise no child will want to repeat the same the next day, the activities must be extremely short for are exhausted before the child is bored so that the next day you want to do more, the early stimulation should cover all the senses, visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, all serve to experiment.