Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bible Wording For House Warming

As my baby will be flat or inverted nipples

is not serious and requires no treatment. But yes, we must not lose sight of it until it disappears. A hernia occurs when a small portion of the intestine protrudes through an area of \u200b\u200bthe abdominal muscles. In children, the most common is the umbilical hernia Primeros dientes, ie, that appear around the navel. The more frequently suffer
preemies, those born with low weight and a family history.

While the baby is in utero
is a small opening in your abdominal muscles so the cord cord to connect to the placenta. After birth, this coverage muscular navel ring gradually closes in a few weeks. But sometimes the muscles do not come together completely and a section of intestine protrudes through this hole.

How to detect: If your child has a hernia notice a protrusion under the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe navel, as if "pushed" out. Usually more noticeable when the baby makes an effort, to mourn or coughing, and diminishes or disappears when you settle. Also is soft, in and out easily. Your doctor will tell you.

Frequently asked questions about

hernia in infants:

1 - Once cured, it can leave again: Not likely to occur. Whether it has closed spontaneously, as if he was cured by surgery, it is unlikely that an umbilical hernia recurrence.

2 - You can do something to prevent it: No. They are congenital and occur in the first days of life. You formally discouraged compress the umbilical hernia with a belt, tapes or bandages to heal before. There is evidence that these techniques serve to something and, moreover, have the ability to irritate baby's skin.
Via: Baby and pregnancy


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