In the early days of savanna farms was noticed a rapid increase in wheat and livestock major and minor.
For the first time a part of the supply of food and food products should fall in labor Indian, both for his work on plantations and in the independent and in their own fields.
During the sixteenth century Santafé supply responsibility was held by the trustees landowners. The agricultural production of indigenous vegetable species was delivered in tribute, which was fully managed by the trustees landowners.
The small and medium production mestizo or white, to replace indigenous agricultural production began to be significant during the second third of the seventeenth century.
Indians, besides the penalty on work, decreased its agricultural potential by physical lack of time to devote to their plots. Procurement system, based on a vertical network of trade, fell to the English, with each community themselves isolated and without surplus for trading.
The last part of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries was a time of flourishing of estate production, greater regional presence. La Sabana in general had markets in other provinces and enjoyed a small mining boom represented by the veins of Mariquita.
The estates, in the provision of virtually free labor, had a rapid expansion.
The Savannah wheat was exported as grain, flour and even bonded (called biscuits) to Tunja, Magdalena ports (Honda and Mompox) and shipped to the Caribbean (Cartagena).
main activity and most of the farm remained sabanera rested on the sheep. It was to be a significant herd of sheep using it in wool mills.
The most conspicuous, not to be representative is that of Caicedo Beltran, encomendero Suesca, who had two farms (also in the same jurisdiction) with approximately 20,000 ewes (first third of the seventeenth century). The estates
Suesca ("The Sheep" and "Suesca) bred and raised sheep. Once the wool, sent to another farm, also of his property, located on Fred, which operated a mill supported by slave labor (80 adults).
Some estates during this period reached a significant level of complexity and handled a certain amount of resources. Managed to integrate different types of work (concert, encomienda and slavery) and made an attempt vertical integration, ie, carried out various stages of production in different units (if Caicedo Beltran). 3301940916609711
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