Once you give birth, still quite swollen abdomen after delivery, and many mothers are shocked and frightened to see that still have a considerable belly after pregnancy. It is totally normal, because during the last months of gestation, the uterus was quite large and came to the ribs, so to reduce its size and return to normalcy will take time.
the uterus to contract used a series of spasms that are sometimes a bit painful, a few hours of birth the uterus reaches the level of the navel and weighs a kilo, after two weeks weighs about 300 grams and 40 days will the size of a pear, about 50 grams. Come soon about their weight and usual place about six weeks after childbirth, which remain quite swollen belly. Women get
regain their pre-pregnancy weight in about three months in a natural way and do nothing, if not exceeded the weight indicated by the doctor during pregnancy has not been any other complication. The recovery process is usually faster in mothers who are breastfeeding and that breastfeeding stimulates the production of Oxytocin causes contractions which reduce the size of the uterus.
influences also have a distended abdomen due intestinal gas, walk, drink plenty of fluids and foods rich in fiber help lower belly after pregnancy. Many women are left with a kilo of more after birth, and that fat is not as easy as getting back as before, to belly dancing or exercises help, and once spent a year about the body recovers from However, although almost always be a slight curve in the gut as a souvenir of our young.
Way in the arms, back ... These are due to the many hormonal changes your body undergoes, and the stretching of the skin due to pregnancy. Although
Shorten shower and use a mild soap are also good choices for relieve the itching during pregnancy
, and when the shower is just rosehip oil is good for the skin because it has regenerative properties, even when oil is to wait for the body to absorb completely before dressing.
Avoiding dry skin is very important to ensure that there is some moisture in the atmosphere will help prevent itching 
pregnancy, a humidifier can be used at night, and put containers of water near the heating remain humidity in the rooms.
Use loose clothing preferably cotton, since tight clothing as well as being uncomfortable can cause the appearance of pimples, eczema, itching and difficulty for blood circulation.
Avoid drinking protein drinks like coca cola, tea, coffee ... as caffeine and tannins lead to increased emotional stress and favor the occurrence of itching during pregnancy
gasita a rub with soaked wheat germ oil or apple cider vinegar help relieve itching and feel better instantly.
Way Many changes can be extremely uncomfortable and annoying, especially those related to the growth of the belly.
As pregnancy progresses and the growing belly is very common that women begin to feel severe back pain in the lumbar region especially, in addition to the pelvic area, since the pressure exerted by the weight of all that area can be much, much more if the woman is texture girl.
Many moms are now wondering about the benefits of belt use during pregnancy, contrary to what is believed to use them before giving birth is not negative, but always referring to the fact that they use only those specifically designed for pregnancy can not be used either, or perhaps the reducing post-partum.
If you use the proper belt there is no effect on the pregnancy or the baby, and among the benefits of belt use during pregnancy found that can help relieve the uncomfortable sensation known weight in the lower abdomen and pain both the walk back, as sitting or standing.
The benefits of belt use during pregnancy highlights the fact that help reduce the compression exerted by the baby on the pubic and pelvic area, being the perfect time to start using it between 25 and 30 weeks of pregnancy, which is the time when the first start to appear strong discomfort.
Women should choose the strip thoroughly suited to her pregnancy, with measures that are commensurate with its size and extent, as not to compress too much and have to allow a deep breath and sit down without any difficulty or effort during process, molding the body and generating only benefits and relief.
Way unrepeatable with the baby, but it also creates problems such as stress, fatigue, depression, loss of identity, especially if you worked outside the home before and now you're home.
raise a child home to raise a child equipment at home: In Spain, thanks to many mothers grandmothers and grandfathers have been able to continue to work knowing that our children would be surrounded by affection, but not always able or willing grandparents take care of grandchildren.
Experts say that is best for babies raised in home with a person supervising the baby. A baby up to 3 years has a series of physical, emotional, day care will have to share the attention of caregivers with children 15 or 20 (there are carers for every 8 children or more.) Therefore not receive the same attention to a child at home than in the nursery. A baby in the house is in a stable environment with a trusted person usually the mother, grandmother or a caregiver (who is trusted each week if the baby is a caregiver is not good for raising the baby).
A baby who grows at home with his mother or grandmother, receive affection, love and personal attention, the baby will feel safe and loved. If your young child at home will witness unique moments. His first smile, first steps, first words, how to discover the world everyday. You will be your guide and your baby will surprise you every day. Aid
baby to grow, you can practice early learning time each day to help improve the baby's senses and stimulate your intelligence. 
're involved in their development, eat well, if he sleeps well, we introduce the new food (porridge and mashed) can watch for food allergies if you have a personalized way.
The baby is your love, your words of encouragement, your songs, your smile, love is essential for the growth of the baby. A baby feel loved in a safe environment, surrounded by love, good nutrition and rest will be a happy, healthy baby.
Babies who attend daycare are more exposed to infectious diseases, flu, colds, virus. Infants and children in day care tend to get unwell more often than those raised at home. Achieving
place in a public kindergarten is not easy and the price of private care are high. Disadvantages
Raising a baby takes a lot of demand on time, the baby does not understand schedules. The mother has to subtract from other activities, may come to feel isolated from the world. Loss
opportunities. If a woman limits their working hours to care for your child or ask for a leave that may affect their career. Although see the baby grow is wonderful, making routine daily activities such as changing diapers, wash clothes, prepare baby can get to the monotony and boredom. Some women feel totally taken care of her child at home, while others think they can feel neglected and poorly made that can lead to depression.
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