Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wht Causes Swollen Ankles

Health conditions and remedies in the colony

Our colonial knowledge of the disease going through a period rudimentary and basic. The medical diagnosis was made through clinical observation of some aspects of the patient: pulse, urine, face and the sensitivity of the stomach.
For the pulse could be known about the condition of humor blood. For the smell of urine, could diagnose the state of that other humor. On the face and the temperature is known about the prevalence of cold-heat equation and touch the belly might show to what extent there was an internal swelling or a boil or an obstruction.
Made the diagnosis, remedies invariably had to do with diet, enemas, poultices and bleeding.
Diet, with different variations, was designed to restore one of the principles in the dual wet / dry. Boiled water is considered warm and cold raw. It is often recommended not to drink water or moist diet was prescribed.
The purge was the most trite of mechanism medicine. served to "remove the bad moods," appealing to the pharmacopoeia plant or just the enema. was cleaning it indispensable element in the same manner in which sneezing was considered a "discharge de la cabeza”. Dentro de esta lógica, las diarreas no se atacaban; por el contrario, se consideraban benéficas.
Los emplastos servían para producir externamente focos de frío o calor y para curar dolores internos o externos, por ejemplo, dolores de costado y reumas. El sudor inducido con alimentos calientes o mediante bebidas alcohólicas servía de alivio para crisis internas.
Otro recurso tan socorrido que casi tenía la calidad de una panacea era la sangría. Tan común era que existía un oficio especializado: el barbero y el flebotomiano.
Las hierbas medicinales y los compuestos de origen vegetal tenían usos muy particulares. La mentalidad altamente casuista del español la asimilaba muy bien. Pero en general, un medicamento vegetal se clasificaba según la lógica hipocrática de los contrarios. La viravira es hierba “cálida”, la borraja es “fresca”, el hinojo y el eneldo son de naturaleza “cálida”.
Ante la ausencia de compuestos químicos se usaron extensamente las secreciones naturales: la orina, la leche humana, el estiércol de caballo. A fines del período colonial nuestro más ilustre médico, el profesor Mutis, recetaba sudor, montar a caballo y leche de burra.
Con respecto a las enfermedades de las mujeres, según el saber de Valenzuela, they were reduced to a few things:
All ensuing diseases resulting from the confinement were called 'postpartum'. Internal affections peculiar to women were called 'evil within and chronic diseases whose causes were unknown abdomen were called obstruction.
It must be noted that the practice of medicine, not only in Santa Fe but throughout the vast territory of India, was from the beginning the huge contribution of medicinal herbs that the Indians knew and used all over the continent.
Also in this aspect is worth noting that the deplorable degree of delay was not very different level medio de la medicina. Sobre la automedicación decía un documento del siglo XVI:
“Se ha visto que los más vecinos y otras personas, por experiencias que han tenido, tienen conocidas sus complexiones y se saben sangrar y purgar con cosas que por experiencia se ha visto ser provechosas, por lo cual algunos enfermos no han tenido necesidad del dicho médico y ha sido Dios servido de darles salud”.
Dado el hecho de ser la medicina costosa y poco eficiente, los santafereños siguieron por mucho tiempo empeñados en encomendar sus curaciones a la misericordia divina y a su propia intuición y experiencia. Decía otro documento de la época:
"For some people poor and rich still have some calenturilla, or a headache, wailed, a fart, a runny nose or a stomach ailment, they go without calling doctor and pharmacy spend and stay healthy just keep regiment" .
On the other hand, was absolutely deplorable health situation during the colonial period. Only in the early nineteenth century, when it came to Santa Fe the smallpox vaccine, can be said that public health met some progress. That date back, the picture is just creepy. Towards the end of the colonial writing about this particular sage Mutis:
"If disasters endemic to add the ills of mankind, the annual epidemics are common throughout the world and the immense variety of diseases caused by disorders of food, beverages and evil regime; collected so many calamities that occur daily in sight, are the frightening image of a generally ailing populations, which maintains useless to society and public welfare half of its individuals, one by much of the year and others throughout the rest of his life. "
The sad truth was that against the most common ailments of the time simply had no choice. There is a curious document of 1790 in which a doctor named Froes recounted in which gender-classified the most common diseases in Santa Fe. Cleared the diagnosis, the outcome of the disease was as follows:

I. Inflammatory gender: Dolores
The tonsils.

II. Humoral Gender:
The putrid, with inflammation and without inflammation.
The comunísimas.
The catarrhal.
The pituitous.

III. Chronic Genre:
The Gallic.
Few diarrhea.

IV. Endemic gender:

V. Very frequent:

VI. Epidemic:
Tabardillo. Measles
. Smallpox

To this list of common diseases Mutis adds other endemic type. "The scrofula, commonly called boils and sores preserves and adds two diseases, leprosy and carat, the latter by way of Mutis" a kind of leprosy Jewish. " Within this framework
truly disastrous public health in Santa Fe and the New Kingdom, the most affected sector was naturally that of indigenous people, particularly affected by European diseases and completely unprotected. For the Indian there was never the slightest care. Says a contemporary document:

"Since the Indian sick until you have to bury it is visited by his master, and if then known to have died, not because he has had offers but because the priest did not wants to bury him without pay. "

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Confidentiality Clause For Survey Example

The headhunter

By Pedro Lastra, Venezuelan journalist

Ends of the Rio Group summit with an unusual but predictable result: ridiculed Correa, Daniel Ortega with his tail between his legs and Hugo Chávez swallowing his powers of seduction to an event incontrovertible: Alvaro Uribe has once again given a lesson in stillness, reliability, courage and sense of history.
back to Bogota with the head of Raul Reyes in one hand, the arm of Ivan Rios in the other. FARC a crumbling day by day and minute by minute. And the suitcase full of laughter and hugs. A real head-hunter.
It was not for a few dollars. As you allow an amateur Rafael Correa seize power in a country which at the time of Simon Bolivar qualify republic. Otherwise does not explain that a full-fledged country is ruled by a very inexperienced and hairless amateur gives grim. Neither those who have enabled Hugo Chavez to have the smile of Ms. Fernandez de Kirchner and the servile obsequiousness of one of the most discredited and corrupt revolutionaries of the world, as the commander Daniel Ortega.
have ended at the site of which never should have left: in the circus of American politics. How does Chavez broken relationships, check the ambassador of Colombia, ten battalions mobilized, put our country on a war footing to finish a few hours later embraced the "pawn of the empire," the lackey of the multinational "and" the cynical cop Nariño Palace ? "Clean Slate? "Nothing has happened here? I do not believe so .......
fuss, so much bravado, so thunderous threat to demonstrate that the barrier of your teeth do not go more than bluster. A paper tiger! What happened to warriors impetus? What their expansionist desires? Flatulence, belching, hiccups, and hoarseness. Impossible
Jaime Lusinchi forget, a good-natured President and without pretensions of generals, who saluted Caldas and imposed against the defense of our sovereignty. Impossible to forget Romulo Betancourt, who brought the commander kicks Ochoa Sanchez, Ulises Rosales del Toro and Thomas Menendez Tomassevich, Falcon and The Bachelor, expelling step by Fidel Castro of the OAS. They were the cream of the Cuban guerrillas - the FARC in the Sierra Maestra - and came up with the most Homeric of diarrhea.
were other times, presidents Cojonudos, silent and courageous. Thought about that before. And after talking, acting. Willing to give their lives in the countryside battle. No paper mache these generals hiding in the military museum and protest that his terrorists caught in their underwear.
day The big winner, Alvaro Uribe! Violeta Parra would have sung: "discreet, plain and simple are sparkling jewels, with which man is man, it looks decent."
A Simon Trinidad, and other senior leaders of the FARC joined Raul Reyes and Ivan Rios. The hunt is inclement. The rout is complete. So great is the debacle that pays Chavez, Ortega and Correa creeps hiding. Mayor fiasco, impossible. They have their days numbered. 3301940916609711

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bluetooth On Straight Talk Samsung

sponsors of terrorism

The events of the last hours in Colombia have taken an unexpected twist: the good news of the criminal shot that was ruthless and bloody alias "Raul Reyes, second in command of the terrorist group FARC, moved to the strains of a possible regional conflict between Colombia and its neighbors Ecuador and Venezuela - whose governments sponsor terrorism as suspected for a long time and as is now evident - to the angry complaints of Hugo Chávez and Rafael Correa in the 'violation of sovereignty' of Ecuador during the military operation that saw the terrorist.

triggered events the death of Reyes' will most absurd to the truly unusual. The Government said from the beginning, that the terrorist had been shot in Ecuador and his camp bombed by warplanes. It was reported that, immediately afterwards, land units penetrated the border and took his body to prevent the guerrilla leader's death denied, as usual, plus documents and four computers. That informed the President of Colombia to Ecuador's similar, and was reported widely by the media Saturday morning. At first, Correa accepted the explanation and said only that his government investigate the facts. Chavez was in the afternoon, who described the action as a violation of sovereignty and warned that if this were to happen in Venezuela would be 'casus belli', cause of war. Sunday
What was worse. Correa came to shout that, indeed, had made a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of Ecuador, and coincided with Chavez to say that there had been a battle but a "cowardly assassination" that "Reyes" had caught asleep to Colombia to Ecuador should have informed his forces captured the offender. So unthinkable, bizarre and amazing, Chávez - and his court - he provided a moment of silence in tribute to fallen colleague and called him a "good revolutionary" when any victim of the FARC has earned, in this government, the slightest consideration. The responses were accompanied from Nicaragua and its president, Daniel Ortega. Then came
joint decisions against Colombia. Chavez moved ten battalions to the border area, ordered to enlist the Sukhoi fighter jets - their new toys - and closed the embassy in Bogota and notify all staff that they should return immediately. Correa
lagged behind, sent troops to the border with Colombia, called its ambassador in Bogota and expelled Ambassador of Colombia in Quito. To this was added after Colonel coup, ousting of his country's diplomatic mission in Colombia.
The culmination of these insucesos, on Monday, several governments around the world took the bait and criticized Colombia's action but missed the heart of the matter: the fact that Raul Reyes' sleep soundly in Ecuador, which is the ultimate proof that the country harbors terrorists. That there were already more than a suspicion, the same Luis Eladio Perez, one of the hostages (for almost seven years) that the FARC released last week, said that the guerrillas had a time in that country, and that food era ecuatoriana, la dinamita era ecuatoriana y la munición era ecuatoriana. Eso no lo venden en la tienda de la esquina. Pero, además, en las fotografías y videos que se han conocido del campamento donde fue abatido el terrorista se puede apreciar que este no era un refugio pasajero. Las características de su construcción demuestran que era un albergue permanente de varios meses de construido y en el que se sentían seguros, precisamente, por estar ‘fuera del alcance’ del Estado colombiano.
Tras los actos terroristas de septiembre de 2001 en Washington y Nueva York, el Derecho Internacional prevé mayores esfuerzos contra el terrorismo que trascienden, incluso, la integridad territorial de un país, eso es secundario. The raid by the army and police of Colombia took place in a jungle area where there is no infrastructure of any kind or Ecuadorian civilians who may be victims 'accidental'. In these camps there were only Colombian criminals who torment their compatriots and run for cover in neighboring territories, there indeed violating the sovereignty by entering illegally because even the rulers of these countries have constitutional jurisdiction to grant letters of marque to offenders neighboring nations.
There being no possibility, then, to cause 'collateral damage', ran a clean operation in which besides had no intention of staying in the foreign territory or steal your domain. In fact, the operation lasted only 14 minutes and not even tried to hide it. In this, as the transparent, the Colombian government has set chair, has always acted with the truth - as demonstrated in the case of the child Emmanuel - while the FARC and his friends have always lied. Just remember the words of Hugo Chavez in a visit to Colombia in 2004: "No I will not support the Colombian guerrillas never, nor any subversive movement against any democratic government. I swear by God and my saintly mother (...) that if I supported the guerrillas would not face to come here Cartagena (see = 6sEWDlTirWU ).
Forces of Colombia could have taken without anxieties all dead, having emptied the camp and cleaned up, then assemble a theater of war on their territory and noted that "Reyes" was killed in Colombia. In that case, Ecuador would have kept total silence because the opposite would be to acknowledge their complicity. Why Uribe's government did not act well? It's a matter of belief, the Colombian government chose to do things the right, but Machiavelli would have advised otherwise. Some might say it also could or had to resort Ecuadorian authorities, but the truth is that there are so many doubts about its neutrality that would have been a success thwart terrorism and at this time would 'Kings' committing crimes against the Colombians.
Unfortunately, it is obvious that Ecuador is not asking for a couple of fallen trees - by bombs - but by terrorists to protect its territory, an attitude that should be punished by the international community. 3301940916609711