At the time of the conquest and colonization of the New World, the medical knowledge and surgical the metropolis was unaware of the advances and discoveries that were made outside their borders. The knowledge taught in universities (Alcala, Sevilla and Osuna, among others) was dependent primarily on the reading of Hippocrates, Galen and Avicenna. With the theoretical study of these authors for four years (each year corresponded to a course) and after having practiced in the company of a doctor approved, students should be examined before a chief physician, before you book the letters of graduates.
Among the surgeons had two categories of Latinos, who was regarded as superior because it is required the absolute dominance of Latin, and the romances, training those who would excuse empirical knowledge of Latin. In the last level there were the barbers, midwives and healers both sexes, usually plied their trade in the villages.
Barbers, whose main activity was cut beard and hair, were also practicing other related
Obviously, the capital of the New Kingdom of Granada prevailed, aggravated similar limitations in the practice of medicine, ie the tools that were available to against diseases, pests, disease and other enemies of human health, were so primitive and inefficient as many centuries before. The fundamental concepts of medicine were basically the same that prevailed in Spain at that time. Continued in full force the fundamental concepts of Hippocrates and Galen. According to the Hippocratic doctrine, the human body had four active agents or "humors": blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. According to the Greek master's thesis, each of these moods had a complexion: the blood hot and moist, phlegm cold and wet, black bile, cold and dry, and yellow bile, hot and dry. Hippocrates also said that the three most important body organs heart, brain and liver were, respectively, dry and hot, wet and cold and hot and humid. A normal, healthy body would then have plenty of heat and humidity. However, Hippocrates accepted that this balance may vary with different people, so it could have complexions essentially hot, humid, cold or dry.
health would, therefore, the result of the harmony and proper balance between these qualities. Upon any imbalance would appear the pain and ill health. Hence, the main therapies to balance these elements were the purges, emetics, bloodletting and cupping.
Despite the limitations of colonial medicine, these little lights were alien in our midst. For various reasons, before the nineteenth century could not be established in rule a professor of medicine and much less structured academic plan. Of course, there were many attempts. Since the sixteenth century the Dominicans sought authorization to the Viceroy for academic studies could be established. During the seventeenth century was also feigned not materialized.
Enriquez Andrade The doctor tried to start an honorary chair of medicine but gave up for different reasons.
With the founding of the Colegio del Rosario, were included in the plan some medical courses chained to the jurisprudence and philosophy. In 1651 the other courses had begun to operate, less than medicine, "suitable person for failing to carry it." Even in the eighteenth century are equally frustrated attempts.
In 1733, at a time when in Europe were beginning to be decisive steps on the path to modern medicine, the Italian physician Francisco Fontes, strange designs that came to rest in this very remote town, offered his services to fill the that it was vacant chair in the Rosary. The offer was accepted, but the Italian had to retire it soon after failing to enroll or a student because santafereño society believed that the practice of medicine was peculiar to people of low social status.
Later, in 1760, the chair was occupied by a character named Roman Cancino who, although he had no medical degree, they had some knowledge. Cancino later died and was replaced by a doctor Juan de Vargas, who runs a medical chair elementary irregular and uneven.
now fully illustration, Archbishop Viceroy Antonio Caballero y Góngora tried to restructure the department of medicine giving it a more serious and scientific. The failure of the initiative was total. At that time, the brilliant visionary political, economic and social development of the New Kingdom which was Pedro Fermín de Vargas wrote about this topic:
"It's a pain having to Santafé chair of theology so that it is very necessary these countries have been careful not so useful a man like that of medicine. "
It is pertinent to note here that this concept was the direct heir of Spain after the Reconquest, in which practical skills were exercised by Moorish and Jewish converts or their descendants. Consequently, the practice of any such activity was suspected in those who exercised to bring upon them the stigma of New Christians depressing. By contrast, the old Christian spotless Saracen or Jewish blood was a warrior, priest, lawyer, or lord of the land
In 1801, when the New Kingdom was receiving a number of years the beneficial influence of the wise Mutis, became a priest named island to assemble and organize in a chair Rosario serious medicine. Isla's father designed a curriculum for eight years, devoting five to three for theoretical and practical. Introduced classes in anatomy, physiology and pathology in an attempt to emancipate the studies of traditional Hippocratic protection. Isla's father took his students the practical period at the hospital of San Juan de Dios and reached grade seven, which can be said that the firm began professional career in the field of medicine in Bogotá . 3301940916609711