We had warned that nothing good could come out of a mediation between the Colombian government and FARC, by characters so devoid of neutrality as President Chávez and Senator Cordoba, antithesis and enemy of President Uribe, but it was unimaginable a denouement so absurd, that involved the 'freezing' of relations between countries and the dismantling of the 'chemistry' that existed among the rulers, tainted by the insults of a Chavez angry over an issue that even is within its competence, which relates only to the sovereignty of Colombia.
Chavez was not entitled to embejucarse. Was Colombian Government's power to end the mediation when deemed relevant, especially when there was reason to spare. In three months are not moved an inch on the humanitarian issue as much as Senator Córdoba now ensure that some of the hostages were going to eat turkey with their families at Christmas and in January, the FARC were to sit down and make peace . On the other hand, everything was spinning around the idea of \u200b\u200ba punt, this time in the Yari, for Chavez to talk with Marulanda many presumed dead, although alive, that meeting would be to just undo the clamp with the Armed Forces of Colombia are breaking the FARC guerrillas. Finally, things were taking an unexpected hue to the call to General Montoya, that as much as Dona Piedad de jure it was casual, innocent and routine, it was not.
The disappointment was so great that in the three months is not got proof of life without which even the same Fabrice Delloye-ex-husband of Ingrid felt that he could not continue the mediation. Although the guerrilla camps get any, from journalists to the same Senator Córdoba or the mother of the guerrilla-Dutch, it is unlikely that has not been possible to take the tests for alleged bombing and military pressure. More with how easy it is to upload videos, photos and scanned documents to Internet or mail mail. And it leaves a very bad taste the last attempt of Senator for trying to watch video of Captain Solórzano outdated as a token of goodwill from the rebels.
Given the political affinity between Chavez and the outlaws and mutual admiration that both have expressed countless times, it was assumed that it was impossible to stage of negotiations bogged down because almost no one will fit in the head that left Chavez and FARC dressed girlfriend. However, at this hour no one knows for sure if the President of Venezuela was the victim of the FARC or, simply, was in the task of breathing. Anyway, the feeling persists that the rebels rejected the opportunity for dialogue with five of the highest Turmequé governments, as if they had any interest in reviving politically.
In the end, the saddest thing of all is that now the hostages seem a mere commodity and there is no certainty of their state. The need to cling to a hope has led Colombians to induce the Government to fall into the trap of doing whatever it takes to restore freedom to the political hostages of the FARC, which only depends on the willingness of the guerrillas or a knockout of state forces.
If the FARC were interested in the freedom of these people, suffice a delegation of Red Cross and a couple of days of 'truce' to restore their lives, but in the throes of agony and inevitable that guerrillas kidnapped the letter seems to be their only option and, as such, is going to play. God forbid that Colombians do not fall into the trap of quartering troops to revive hope and unless they end up engaged in border issues through the work of a loud-mouthed neighbor. 3301940916609711
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Welcome Opening Messages
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Scottish Wedding Proverbs
Opposition Colombia should learn the lesson that gave the English prime minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, to come out in defense of his archenemy, former President José María Aznar, to the blatant attack the president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, and his boss mentor, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
was a lesson in advanced studies in political science. Who accepts the rules of democracy is bound to recognize the sovereign decision of the people, to respect and defend it even though profoundly disagrees with the ideas it represents the other who has been designated in power.
Aznar was elected legitimately and constitutionally by the English people and Democrats call anyone who can afford any of the Palotes Perico come to question the institutions of a country without requiring at least a minimum of synderesis. For Chavez, with his remarks to Aznar, questioned the entire English democracy: a president not only conspires and their decisions have to be tied to the legal system. Therefore, neither Zapatero and the King could have done less to react with that composure to the unreasonable intervention of a charlatan like Chavez paranoid.
However, in our many were surprised by the alleged nobility who taught Rodriguez Zapatero to stand up for his opponent because he did not understand Aznar defended not only Spain, with its democracy, its presidential institution and, in essence, its people.
That's what they do not understand the opposition here, God knows whether through ignorance or simply because one's own is not democracy. Those who often travel to Latin America, Europe and now the United States, which often used to burn flag-rant to the Colombian government, accusing it of helping "the paramilitaries, a violator of human rights, to be a gangster regime , etc., and to discredit and offend the President, make the same shameful nonsense Chavez and lacks respect for the Colombian nation our democracy and Colombians (including themselves). And, at bottom, they show such contempt for the institutions that could be regarded as true subversive infiltrators anachronistic. People like Gustavo Petro
, Carlos Gaviria, Wilson Borja, Piedad Córdoba, Jorge Enrique Robledo and others are an embarrassment to Colombia and if actually believe Democrats should take note of the conduct of Zapatero and act accordingly. Of course this is nothing more than a desire unattainable because what they have been doing in recent years is precisely the opposite, so hypocritical.
The opposition wants to ignore the legitimate mandate to the people gave Colombia Alvaro Uribe Velez and has been systematically developing a smear campaign to undermine the president's power, even injuring the interests of Colombians. In a way we understand the ideological pulse of the left-and their international peers, against a government that fights with the support of the Colombians, to those 'romantic' to 'kill for people to live better "(as Carlos Gaviria argues ), but the campaign they have done in the United States to prevent the signing of the FTA is most vile and again against all the left because it only has a chance to come to power in a free stage of subversion and a dynamic economy, inserted in the global market. Shiv
To those (like Chavez) who screamed here and there, and celebrate the triumphs insulting the President, should be asked, emulating Don Juan Carlos: Why do not you shut up?!
Why Do Weigh More Before You Poop

We saw many difficulties encountered with the supply of beef to the capital during the colonial period. It was, as we know, an activity controlled by the system of rent of the obligation supply to a person.
By carrying out this function was called on a mandatory butcher "and then simply" provider. " Its core mission was to provide the capital of mutton and beef, and tallow for the manufacture of candles. His term was 10 months, during which it should buy from various suppliers enough cattle to meet the needs of the city
One of the higher costs that lay ahead was the lease "El Novillero". When it is considered that the use of Santa Fe was about 4,000 cattle a year, the rent ranged between 5,000 and 8,000 annual patacones. The caterer brought cattle, fattened on "El Novillero" and, once accomplished this stage, led him to Santa Fe to the slaughter.
the late eighteenth century were slaughtered between 65 and 100 livestock per week.
addition to meat, the slaughter of cattle byproducts produced some less important. Chief among them was the fat, highly valued for being the raw material for domestic lighting in Santa Fe. Other minor products, as the "cut" used in the Colony, was the language, the "often" or "tripe", leather and, to a lesser extent, the bladders. Leather was an important input in the manufacture of various household items: jars (to store liquids), furniture, cabinets and boxes, seats, saddles etc. For each steer was obtained in the flesh, free of fat, 6.7% of the money he obtained the product supplier for the sale of livestock. Next in importance after the fat, which constituted 31.8% of the total. Leather represented only 3.8% of total value. The office needed a great economic strength and almost took a lot of social splendor. The most respectable members of society took it santafereño Creole century XVII.
For example, Alonso de Caicedo, owner of "El Novillero" and encomendero Bogota, was provider in 1694, Jose Ricaurte, treasurer of the Royal
Data on livestock slaughter in Santa Fe show no explicit trend. The information obtained can be charged defects, however, show a stagnant supply of meat, for even grows in line with population
Con dificultades para obtener carne, el cargo de abastecedor se fue haciendo menos codiciado hasta que llegó el momento en que empezó a sufrir largas vacancias porque nadie quería rematarlo.
El inflexible control de precios y los crecientes riesgos contribuyeron en primer término a que se produjera esta situación. Como consecuencia de ella, el Cabildo se vio precisado a ofrecer estímulos adicionales, como un atractivo apoyo financiero con dineros de
Relations between the two regions were complementary to the late seventeenth century, a period in which other areas (other than Santa Fe) with equal urgency demanded the production of Neiva. Quito region, which until then had been successfully served by the cattle from the Cauca, increased demand, due to which the Quiteños began offering higher prices for cattle in the Alto Magdalena.
Logically, farmers in Neiva and surrounding areas preferred to send their cattle to Quito, which immediately generated a conflict, because el ganado de mejor calidad tomó el rumbo del Sur mientras el menos apetecible fue enviado a Santafé. Empezaron entonces el forcejeo y las presiones políticas de la capital para obligar a Neiva a remitirle la totalidad de su producción. Finalmente se llegó a un acuerdo consistente en que Neiva y las regiones adyacentes se comprometían a enviar anualmente una cuota mínima de 4.500 novillos a Santafé.
Los ganaderos de Neiva y Timaná suscribieron el convenio pero no bajaron la guardia y de inmediato procedieron a llevar la querella ante el Rey. Esta pugna fue prolongada y tenaz. La balanza se inclinó alternativamente hacia uno y otro lado, hubo infinidad de pleitos; la Corona favoreció en principio Neiva, but at last legal counteroffensive santafereños got the crown back in 1712 to give priority in supply to Santa Fe. Lastly
won compromise system based on quotas, which replaced the old disputes with advantage. Neiva in 1733 pledged to provide 1,500 half-yearly steers the pastures of staying in Bogotá unfettered freedom to negotiate their surpluses with other regions that claim.
In a way we can say that major advantages obtained Neiva
In other words they made concessions, finished laying their prerogatives of capital. During the second half of the eighteenth century broke the Jesuits vigorously as a supplier of beef and Santa Fe. Your organization supra and numerous rural properties allowed him to build a real bridge between Neiva and Santa Fe to perform the entire process, without losing money. The release of the cattle was made in Neiva, the final phase (priming) was in place and the Cerrado
This system normalized and regularized the meat market. But in 1780, and expelled Jesuits, Santafé experienced an acute shortage of meat. The situation became critical to such an extent that colonial authorities finally had to give up on your old and obstinate policy of monopolies, tobacco-control to make way for a progressive liberalization of trade and the supply of meat and dairy products.
the end of the colonial period, the system had reached a crisis. With neighbors pressing an absolute freedom to the sale of meat and the exemption for payment of sales taxes and own the imminence of continuous periods of shortage, the authorities have many alternatives. Gradually the system was languishing forced monopoly supply of meat.